"To be able to contribute to society and to help those in need to build a better life, that is the ultimate meaning in life. I would gladly consider this to be my life's work. "After a childhood of hardship and strife, forced to quit school at the age of 15 to provide for his family, Mr. Li Ka-shing persevered....
广东医学院创建于1958年,其前身是中山医学院湛江分院。1964年,经国务院批准,更名为湛江医学院。1992 年,易名为广东医学院。从“八五”计划开始,连续三个五年进入省重点建设院校行列。1991年获广东省办学水平评估一等奖,2005 年被教育部评定为本科教学水平优秀院校,现已成为广东省高素质医学专门人才培养的重要基地。...